Jun 12

Two-Tier Citizenship

Did you know that News Corp and Facebook have two tiers of stockholders? These enable key shareholders to sell down their ownership while maintaining control of the company. Mark Zuckerberg has a 22% ownership share in Facebook, yet he owns 57% of the voting shares.

Could this work in western society?

There are many people who believe taxes are illegal, or who cheat on their tax. And there are many people who are not interested in voting. And there are the 1% who are perceived to be seeking greater wealth and power. Could all three exist happily?

Taxpaying Citizens. Get to vote.

Tax Free Citizens. Are not allowed to vote.

You can choose your type of citizenship once you leave high school. You can change your type when you turn 21, and one other time in your life. Once you are worth $XX you must remain a taxpayer if you already are one.

Of course the amount of tax paid would drop drastically, so other forms of taxation would be required. Certain products would need to remain free of all taxes, to avoid the taxpayers feeding off the poor.

This is just the start of an idea. At first glance I think it is unworkable. It would either result in everyone remaining a taxpayer, or vast ghettos of tax-free citizens being formed.


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