Mar 03

They Are Listening – To Your Lounge Room Convos

Once again a tech company (Samsung) covering their arses in the T&C has led to speculation of nefarious plans:

“To provide you the Voice Recognition feature, some voice commands may be transmitted (along with information about your device, including device identifiers) to a third-party service that converts speech to text or to the extent necessary to provide the Voice Recognition features to you.” Source: The Register

Yep, they are listening to your conversations.

Obviously there is no interest in ordinary, individual conversations – although aggregated information from these could be highly useful. But what happens when said TV has you logged in, and authorities could spy on you specifically?

Many of us already place tape over laptops cameras, but blocking microphones isn’t as easy. Also, good luck in 10 year’s time finding appliances that don’t have cameras and microphones and internet connections built in.

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