Mar 15

NYC – Car Movements Tracked

Given that New York City is still terrified, I don’t blame them. Manhattan is the obvious target still, and so the authorities are doing their very best to keep track of who comes and goes. Huffington Post reports:

… install license plate reader cameras “in every lane of traffic on all of the bridges and tunnels that serve as entrances and exits to Manhattan.”

Soon, no one will be able to drive onto or off of the island without potentially being recorded.

Currently, Kelly said, the NYPD has “complete” coverage on the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges and the Battery and Holland Tunnels. License plate readers will be commissioned for additional bridges by this summer. The devices can quickly scan license plate numbers and submit the time and place they were captured to a database.

If they leave it at that, I guess the trade-off is a fair one. The Powers-That-Be will know when anyone enters or exits Manhattan, meaning your or I as well as potential terrorists. Criminals will need to keep this in mind when concocting alibis!

The concern is that this sort of monitoring will continue to expand, until ultimately your whereabouts is always known unless you use some form of cloaking.

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