In case you were unaware, photos can contain metadata that could be used to discover that it was you who took them. In which case, posting them online, no matter how cautiously, could lead back to you – if, of course the pics could cause legal problems.
On your phone:
- Remove location permissions from the camera app
Otherwise, you can remove the EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) data from an existing photo. The combination of the data could be used to prove that it was your phone that took the photo:
- Camera manufacturer and model.
- Data and time the photo was taken.
- Compression type used for the photo.
- Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings.
- Metering mode.
- Flash mode.
- Pixel resolution.
To remove that data, there are apps that can do it, or free online services, or even Windows Explorer can remove EXIF data. Simply search online.