Jan 07

Mini-Super Microphones Ready to Deploy

As if it wasn’t bad enough that spy cameras have been miniaturised…

Surveillance footage tends to be silent, because of the difficulties aiming a microphone, pinpointing where the action is, and reducing background noise. A new product not only solves all of those problems, it is also the size of a matchstick…

…a Dutch acoustics firm, Microflown Technologies, has developed a matchstick-sized sensor that can pinpoint and record a target’s conversation from a distance.

Known as an acoustic vector sensor, Microflown’s sensor measures the movement of air, disturbed by sound waves, to almost instantly locate where a sound originated. It can then identify the noise, and, if required, transmit it live to waiting ears. [New Scientist, 29 Sept 2013]

Basically, when the sensor hears something, it can zoom in on it and listen. Combine that with video cameras and software, and you have surveillance 2.0.

The range is currently 20-25 meters, so you won’t see it…

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